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Spirit Warrior 50 Oracle Cards


Spirit Warrior  50 Oracle Cards

Spirit Warrior 50 Oracle Cards

This Oracle Deck is an invitation to wonder - about yourself and
your place in the Universe - and to regain your innate power.
The 50 cards collated here are signposts, helping you to navigate
through your soul journey. They reflect a range of spiritual
ideas, drawn from ancient cultures, and encompass the wisdom of
spirit warriors who have travelled before.
Whether it's a crystal, spirit animal, Buddhist symbol, medicinal
herb, or soul ritual, the card you pick is before you for a
reason. Be open to its lesson, and you'll discover ways to be
closer to Spirit, which will enrich your life.
This is your journey. When you are brave enough to believe,
mindful enough to see and strong enough to act, you will grow
wings to soar and set your spirit free.

Price: $19.99

Plenty Of Stock

Item Code: SPIWARR

ISBN: 9781922432704

Collection: Card Boxed Sets $19.99 Each

Pages: 50

Dimensions: H 205mm x W 165mm x D 35mm

Weight: 458g

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