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Puzzle A Day A 365 Mixed Puzzles

Creative Journal Paris Is Always A Good Idea.

Debt of Honor

by Tom Clancy

Debt of Honor

Debt of Honor

Razio Yamata is one of Japan's most influential industrialists. He has devised a plan to cripple American superiority and elevate Japan to a position of dominance on the world stage. His motivation is to pay off a debt of honour to his parents and bring low the country he feels was responsible for their deaths - America. All he needs is a catalyst to set his plan in motion. When the faulty gas tank on one Tennessee family's car leads to their fiery death, an opportunistic US congressman uses the occasion to rush a new trade law through the system. The law is designed to squeeze Japan economically. Instead, it provides Yamata with the leverage he needs.

Price: $12.99

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Item Code: 9781408727942

ISBN: 9781408727942

Format: Paperback

Pages: 990

Dimensions: H 195mm x W 125mm x D 60mm

Weight: 674g