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Puzzle-in-style Wordle

Easy Intermittent Fasting Cookbook The

Grab It And Go!


Grab It And Go!

Grab It And Go!

Would you know what to grab if you only had seconds to escape
your home? Everything you need - in a split second! What will you
take - and what will you be forced to leave behind? Grab It and
Go! saves you the trouble of deciding. Includes a book to record
important information. A checklist of contents to take away the
worry that you have forgotten something. An expandable file to
store important documents and special mementoes. Grab It and Go!
is the ultimate storage system, ensuring you'll be prepared for
any disaster! This essential kit is a back up of your life.
Everything you will need will be inside here - just sling it over
your shoulder (strap included) and get out!

Top Price: $24.95

Price: $12.99

Plenty Of Stock

Item Code: GRAITGO

ISBN: 9781921708121

Format: Kit or Box Set

Pages: 10

Dimensions: H 250mm x W 320mm x D 55mm

Weight: 996g