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Easy Intermittent Fasting Cookbook The

Creative Journal Paris Is Always A Good Idea.

We,the Survivors


We,the Survivors

We,the Survivors

A murderer's confession - devastating, unblinking, poignant,
unforgettable - which reveals a story of class, education and the
inescapable workings of destiny.
Ah Hock is an ordinary, uneducated man born in a Malaysian
fishing village and now trying to make his way in a country that
promises riches and security to everyone, but delivers them only
to a chosen few. With Asian society changing around him, like
many he remains trapped in a world of poorly paid jobs that just
about allow him to keep his head above water but ultimately lead
him to murder a migrant worker from Bangladesh.

Top Price: $19.95

Price: $9.99

Plenty Of Stock

Item Code: WESURVI

ISBN: 9780008318581

Format: Paperback

Pages: 336

Dimensions: H 199mm x W 131mm x D 22mm

Weight: 240g