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Book Spotlight

Puzzle-in-style Wordle

Green Day Revealed

Yuck! Waste

by Jimenez, Nuria; JIMENEZ, EMPAR

Yuck Waste

Yuck! Waste

Trash, garbage, and other waste products that are improperly
disposed of create unpleasant surroundings, and also endanger the
health of people and animals. This book teaches children about
correct waste disposal. Following the story, a four-page section
suggests children's activities that relate to the book's central
theme. A final two-page spread offers a guide for parents, with
suggestions on how to use the concepts in the book to keep
children aware of environmental issues.

Top Price: $19.95

Price: $4.99

Plenty Of Stock

Item Code: YUCWAST

ISBN: 9780764145469

Format: Paperback

Pages: 36

Dimensions: H 240mm x W 240mm x D 4mm

Weight: 198g